CS301 GDB Solution 2024

GDB Topic

A XYZ college is a private college that manage a library system for the entire college students. Currently they have been managed the library system manually. This manual system is not very efficient and also error prone. To overcome the issues the organization decides to use another suitable data structure, so that their system work more efficient and error free.

There are some requirements of the college for the library system which are given:

  • First, all the books should be added into the system at once (one by one).
  • The maximum books should not be more than ten thousand.
  • There is very less chance to delete a book from the system.
  • Finding a particular book should be efficient and the search function is very frequently perform in the system.

Suppose you are a software developer and the college management approaches you to provide more effective solution for their library system.

As a software developer, what would be your choice of data structure Array or Linked list for providing an efficient solution for the library system. You are not allowed to choose any other data structure except Array or Linked list. Provide a solid answer with valid justifications.


For a library system with the given requirements, I would recommend using an Array as the primary data structure over a Linked List. Here’s why:

  1. Efficient Addition of Books: Since the system requires adding books one by one, an array provides a more efficient solution. Arrays have constant-time complexity O(1) for appending elements at the end, which means adding books to the system will be fast and straightforward.
  2. Limited Size of Books: The requirement specifies a maximum of ten thousand books. Arrays are suitable for handling fixed-size collections like this. They offer efficient memory allocation since the size is known in advance, and access to elements in an array is constant time O(1) based on their index.
  3. Less Chance of Deleting Books: The system indicates a low likelihood of book deletion. Arrays handle deletion adequately when elements are removed from the end or specific indices. Although deleting from the middle of an array can be less efficient compared to a linked list, given the rarity of deletions, this drawback is acceptable.
  4. Efficient Searching: Arrays support efficient searching, especially when the collection is sorted or when binary search algorithms are utilized. Since finding a particular book is a frequent operation, arrays can offer fast access times for retrieval.
  5. Memory Efficiency: Arrays typically consume less memory overhead compared to linked lists because they don’t need to store pointers/references to the next element. This can be beneficial when dealing with a large number of books.
  6. Predictable Performance: Arrays provide predictable performance characteristics, which can be advantageous for system maintenance and optimization. Linked lists, while flexible in terms of dynamic size changes, may exhibit varying performance based on factors like memory allocation and traversal patterns.

Overall, considering the specific requirements of the library system – efficient addition, limited size, infrequent deletions, frequent searches, and predictable performance – an Array is a well-suited choice for managing the book collection.

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